Project Overview


Solo student project | Semester 1| Master in Industrial Design | Georgia Institute of Techchnology


2 months (Oct – Dec 2021)

Problem Statement

Recycling is a highly popular concept everywhere, but non degradable waste recycling is rarely considered in the consumers perspective


Identify the pain points in the current waste recycling system for consumers, waste collectors and waste recyclers, and develop a new a system that can make the waste recycling process more efficient, easier, and conscious

Design process


Tools used in the research

Market research (Online)



Three main target groups were identified for research interests

  • Consumers (Waste generators)
  • Waste handlers / Waste recyclers
  • Experts / Educators in waste managements




Waste Generator

30 years old

Busy life style

Focusing on career

Leaves in morning and arrives in evening


“Recycling correctly is not easy as it         sounds”


I have a very busy lifestyle. Usually, my day start at 6 am and I leave for work at 7 am. I am focusing hard on my career, but I try to squeeze in some time to gym and social life in. I am an extremely cautious person about the impact I create on the environment.

Available recycling options are not very convenient for me. I have to leave my recyclables outside when I leave for work and sometimes it’s still there when I come back. And sometimes it’s hard to determine the best practices for recycling. There are many materials in packaging nowadays. But I try my best to recycle my waste. I wish I could do more.

I’ve heard some say that no matter how well I recycle, in the end all of them end up in the landfills with others.


  • Improve recycling skills
  • Be more environmentally friendly
  • Manage waste more efficiently


  • Sense of accomplishment
  • Incentives
  • Convenience

Waste Handler

42 years old

12 years in recycling

Facility manager

“People don’t manage their waste     properly”


I manage a wase collection and recycling facility and I have about 50 workers working under me. My main responsibility is collecting consumer waste in the city area and managing them properly. My facility direct degradable waste for landfills and fertilizer manufacturing plants and direct non degradable waste for specific recyclers.

Even consumers are required to separate their recyclable waste most don’t do that. Most people who does don’t have a proper idea about what they are doing. If recyclable waste was clean and properly sorted, we could save a lot of time.


  • Recycle maximum amount of waste
  • Reduce the operational cost


  • Cleaner and sorted waste
  • Reduction of operational cost

Before User Journey (As is journey map)


Identified opportunities


  • A more convenient system to recycle waste
  • A waste recycling bin with smart features

Information & Knowledge

  • A system to improve the knowledge of general consumers on waste handling
  • A waste recycling machine for schools to promote recycling
  • An app to track if people recycle correctly
  • A system to update the consumers on what happened to the items they gave for recycling

Incentives and Rules

  • A system of better rules and regulations
  • Developing a system to fine people if the recyclables are unclean or unsorted
  • A system to provide incentives for better recycling practices

Simpler packaging

  • A strategy to make the packaging are more recyclable
  • A smart delivery system with less packaging materials

Considerations for selecting design opportunities

  • Combining opportunities together to deliver an integrated product
  • Meet pain points from many stakeholders
  • Keeping the users engaged for the long run

Design outcomes

Refined Project Brief

Develop a new a system that can make the waste recycling process more efficient, convenient, and conscious for both consumers and waste workers, and to provide incentives for waste generators based on the quality of waste recycling

Objectives of the project

Objective 1

Make actions deliberate

Educate & Guide

Objective 2

Make things easy

Improve  the interaction process

Objective 3

Make people aware

Trace and Feedback

Objective 4

Make people motivated

Rewards and Fines

Recycler is

A system to make the consumer recycling process more convenient, more transparent and to offer feedbacks and incentives based on the quality of the recycling and a mobile app to guide consumers on correct recycling practices, and to make the interactions more convenient for both waste generators and waste handlers

How does it work?

Recycling QR Code

Recycling QR Code is a proposal for all the product manufacturers. It is arguable that the manufacturers will have the exact details regarding the materials of the packaging and the best practices to clean the material.

A common platform will be introduced so the manufacturers can share the recycling guidelines for each packaging.

In case where there is a possibility of reusing the packaging this initiative will create the background to receive them in a desired condition.

Stakeholders of the system

Waste generator
Product manufacturers
Waste collectors/ Recyclers

Identified challenges

  • How to motivate consumers to recycle and how to keep the users engaged in long-term
  • How to keep the stakeholders engaged in the long run

Service diagram

Benefits of the system

After Journey map

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Benefits for stakeholders

Waste generator
Convenience of handing over waste on a desired time from door step
Incentives such as discounts on annual tax, electricity bill etc.

Product manufacturers
Information on Consumer such as Location, Amount and frequency of of usage

Waste collectors/ Recyclers
Clean and sorted waste
Information on exact requirement of labor based on location and time

Clean and sorted waste
Upcoming generations will learn recycling as a life skill

App prototype

Revenue stream for app

Advertising eco-friendly products on the news feed from different companies

Personal review of Project

Further developments

  • Recyclable collector’s end of the system and an app
  • The platform for manufacturers to share the recycling guidelines

What would I do differently?

  • Conducting a survey to get more data on consumer attitudes regarding waste recycling after the interview session.
  • With the time constrains I didn’t have the opportunity to do any interviews with product manufacturers. I would do some interviews with some manufacturers to get their idea on recycling possibilities for consumers.
  • I didn’t have time to conduct user testing on the app. I would like to do user testing with several people to get an idea on the usability of the app.
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