Virtual Reality Car Show

This VR experience was a virtual vehicle exhibition developed for an assignment in the Advanced Immersive Environment module. In this example, the user can access a list of vehicles using the web engine. Users can use the kiosk to select the car they want to experience. Then the user can shift to the operation panel. In this panel, there are several options, such as color change, scale change, rotation, and environment change. Users can use the viewpoints to access different places on the car.

Touch screen kiosk

This segment connects to the web engine to change the car variant.

 Volvo S90 and a Mercedes 190 SL cars were used in this experiment.


Color change

An operation panel and buttons were used for this task. The user can press the button and change the colors of the car. Even if it was possible to assign the same color palette for all the cars, I wanted to give a more realistic experience for the user. In different car models, getting any car in any color isn’t always possible. So I assigned different color palettes for the two different cars I used.


This option was included for the users to get a more dynamic experience of the car.


The user can experience the car in both actual size and a 1/10 scale using a button.

Environment change

This option allows the user to experience the car in a different location and at different times of the day.


Several viewpoints were added from different perspectives and from inside for the user to navigate and get a better view of the cars easily.

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